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GB 500XX-201X《建筑设计防火规范》2010年7月5日征求意见稿102页word.doc

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1    ... 1

2    ... 2

3  厂房和仓库... 4

3.1  火灾危险性分类... 4

3.2  厂房和仓库的耐火等级和构件的耐火极限... 5

3.3  厂房和仓库的耐火等级、层数、面积和平面布置... 7

3.4  厂房的防火间距... 11

3.5  仓库的防火间距... 14

3.6  厂房和仓库的防爆... 16

3.7  厂房的安全疏散... 17

3.8  仓库的安全疏散... 18

4  甲、乙、丙类液体、气体储罐(区)和可燃材料堆场... 20

4.1  一般规定... 20

4.2  甲、乙、丙类液体储罐(区)的防火间距... 20

4.3  可燃、助燃气体储罐(区)的防火间距... 23

4.4  液化石油气储罐(区)的防火间距... 25

4.5  可燃材料堆场的防火间距... 27

5  民用建筑... 29

5.1  建筑分类和耐火等级... 29

5.2  总平面布局... 31

5.3  防火分区和层数... 32

5.4  平面布置... 33

5.5  安全疏散和避难... 36

6  建筑构造... 42

6.1  防火墙... 42

6.2  建筑构件和管道井... 42

6.3  屋顶、闷顶和建筑缝隙... 44

6.4  楼梯间、楼梯、消防电梯等... 44

6.5  防火门和防火卷帘... 46

6.6  天桥、栈桥和管沟... 47

7  消防救援设施... 48

7.1  消防车道... 48

7.2  消防救援场地... 49

7.3  消防电梯和直升机停机坪... 49

8  消防设施的设置场所... 51

8.1  一般规定... 51

8.2  室内消火栓系统... 51

8.3  自动灭火系统... 52

8.4  火灾自动报警系统... 54

8.5  防烟和排烟设施... 54

9  消防给水系统设计要求... 56

9.1  一般规定... 56

9.2  室外消防用水量、消防给水管道和消火栓... 56

9.3  室内消防用水量及消防给水管道、消火栓和消防水箱... 61

9.4  消防水池和消防水泵房... 65

10  防烟和排烟系统设计要求... 67

10.1  一般规定... 67

10.2  自然排烟... 67

10.3  机械防烟... 67

10.4  机械排烟... 69

11  采暖、通风和空气调节... 71

11.1  一般规定... 71

11.2    ... 71

11.3  通风和空气调节... 71

12  电气... 74

12.1  消防电源及其配电... 74

12.2  电力线路及电器装置... 74

12.3  消防应急照明和消防疏散指示标志... 75

13  木结构建筑... 77

14  城市交通隧道... 81

14.1  一般规定... 81

14.2  消防给水和灭火设施... 82

14.3  通风和排烟系统... 82

14.4  火灾自动报警系统... 83

14.5  供电及其他... 83

附录A  建筑高度和建筑层数的计算方法... 84

附录B  防火间距的计算方法... 85

附录C  各类建筑构件的燃烧性能和耐火极限... 86

附录D  民用建筑外保温系统及外墙装饰的防火设计要求... 92

附录E  隧道内承重结构体的耐火极限试验升温曲线和相应的判定标准... 94

附录F  本规范用词说明... 95

引用标准名录... 96


1  General principles. 1

2  Terminology. 2

3  Factory buildings and storages. 6

3.1  Classification of fire hazards. 6

3.2  Fire resistance class of factory buildings and storages and fire resistance rating of its components. 8

3.3  Fire resistance class, number of stories, occupied area and plane arrangement of factory buildings and storages  9

3.4  Fire separation distance for factory building. 13

3.5  Fire separation distance for storage. 15

3.6  Explosion prevention of factory buildings and storages. 17

3.7  Safe evacuation in factory buildings. 18

3.8  Safe evacuation in storages. 19

4  Class A, B, C liquid, gas tank (tank farm) and combustible stackyard. 21

4.1  General requirements. 21

4.2  Fire separation distance for Class A, B, C liquid tank (tank farm) 21

4.3  Fire separation distance between combustible and combustion-supporting gas tanks (tank farm) 24

4.4  Fire separation distance for LPG tank (tank farm) 26

4.5  Fire separation distance of combustible material stackyard. 28

5  Civil Building. 29

5.1  Classification and fire resistance class of civil buildings. 29

5.2  General layout 31

5.3  Storeys and fire compartment of civil buildings. 33

5.4  Plane arrangement of civil buildings. 36

5.6  Safety evacuation and fire protection area. 39

6  Building structure. 47

6.1  Fire wall 47

6.2  Building component and conduit shaft 47

6.3  Roof, blind ceiling and building gap. 49

6.4  Staircase, stair and door 49

6.5  Fire door and fire roller shutter 52

6.6  Crossover, trestle and pipe trench. 52

7  Fire rescue facilities. 53

7.1  Fire vehicle access. 53

7.2  Area for fire fighting. 54

7.3  Fire elevator and helicopter apron. 54

8  The places where fire extinguishing system is installed. 56

8.1  General requirements. 56

8.2  Indoor fire hydrant system.. 56

8.3  Automatic fire extinguishing system.. 57

8.4  Fire alarm system and smoke control and smoke exhaust system.. 59

9  Fire water supply and fire extinguishing facility. 62

9.1  General requirements. 62

9.2  Outdoor fire fighting water amount, water supply pipe and fire hydrant 63

9.3  Amount of water required by indoor fire fighting and water supply piping, fire hydrant and reservoir 67

9.4  Fire water pool and fire pump room.. 71

10  Smoke control and smoke exhaust 74

10.1  General requirements. 74

10.2  Natural smoke exhaust 74

10.3  Mechanical smoke control 74

10.4  Mechanical smoke exhaust 76

11  Heating, ventilating and air conditioning. 79

11.1  General requirements. 79

11.2  Heating. 79

11.3  Ventilating and air conditioning. 79

12  Electric system.. 82

12.1  Fire protection power supply and distribution. 82

12.2  Power line and electrical equipment 82

12.3  Emergency lighting and evacuation indicating sign. 84

13  Timber buildings. 85

14  Ctiy traffic tunnel 89

14.1  General requirements. 89

14.2  Fire fighting water supply and fire extinguishing equipment 90

14.3  Ventilating and smoke exhaust system.. 91

14.4  Automatic fire alarm system.. 91

14.5  Power supply and the other requirements. 92

Appendix A  Computing method for building height, storeys and evacuation distance in residential buildings 95

Appendix B  Computing method for fire separation distance 96

Appendix C  The temperature curve of test for fire resistance rating and standard determinat of bearing structure in tunnel 97

Explaination of wording in this code. 95

List of quoted standards and codes. 96



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