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生物处理系统投加阻垢剂对水质指标的影响研究 专业:环境工程 学号:08180214 姓名:刘尚俭 指导老师:孔秀琴 教授 摘要 明胶废水是明胶生产过程中各个工序所排放废水的总称,具有高碱、高钙、高氯、高COD的特点,废水中pH>11,Ca2+含量2g/L左右,Cl-含量大于5000mg/L,COD为1000~3000mg/L,水质复杂,废水排放量大,处理难度大。
实验最后确定:对水质的钙离子保留率达到最好值时,聚丙烯酸的量为5ml/L(0.01059mg/L);在各种水质下,都会增加最后出水的有机物量;在加入阻垢剂后,各种水质的pH都下降,但是随着量的增加,其变化范围幅度不大;对于出水的浊度,在曝气情况下,其值远大于不曝气情况下,而且在聚丙烯酸量为5 ml/L(0.01059mg/L)左右时,达到最大值;在阻垢剂加入到其中后,就和其中的钙离子等物质发生反应,在曝气条件下,会破坏其中的酸碱平衡,使得最后有机物量增加。
关键词:明胶废水;聚丙烯酸;活性污泥;残留量 Abstract Gelatin wastewater was the general name of wastewater which was from each process of gelatin production. After pipe-end mixed, gelatin production wastewater had characteristics of high alkali, high calcium, high chlorine and high COD. In this wastewater, pH>11, Ca2+>2g/L, Cl->5000mg/L, and COD was 1000~3000mg/L. With the complex quality and large discharge, it was difficult to treat. In the paper, based on the water quality, to join different quantity scale inhibitor poly(acrylic acid), study on the effect of the indicators, at the same time, respectively, and the indicators of the scale inhibitor in the pure water added to the scale and high calcium wastewater compared to determine the final impact factors. The final :the retention rate to achieve the best value on water quality of the calcium ion, the amount of poly(acrylic acid)5ml/L(0.01059mg/L);in a variety of water quality will increase the amount of the final effluent organic of the calcium ion, the amount of poly(acrylic acid)5ml/L(0.01059mg/L);in a variety of water quality will increase the amount of final effluent organic; to join the resistance fouling agent, the pH of various water quality decreased with increasing amount of its range slightly; for the turbidity of the water in the aeration case, its value is much large than the non-aeration, but also in poly(acrylic acid) 5ml/L(0.01059mg/L)reaches a maximum value ; In the scale inhibitor added to the last, and one of the calcium ions in matter reaction, in aera
生物处理系统投加阻垢剂对水质指标的影响研究 专业:环境工程 学号:08180214 姓名:刘尚俭 指导老师:孔秀琴 教授 摘要 明胶废水是明胶生产过程中各个工序所排放废水的总称,具有高碱、高钙、高氯、高COD的特点,废水中pH>11,Ca2+含量2g/L左右,Cl-含量大于5000mg/L,COD为1000~3000mg/L,水质复杂,废水排放量大,处理难度大。
实验最后确定:对水质的钙离子保留率达到最好值时,聚丙烯酸的量为5ml/L(0.01059mg/L);在各种水质下,都会增加最后出水的有机物量;在加入阻垢剂后,各种水质的pH都下降,但是随着量的增加,其变化范围幅度不大;对于出水的浊度,在曝气情况下,其值远大于不曝气情况下,而且在聚丙烯酸量为5 ml/L(0.01059mg/L)左右时,达到最大值;在阻垢剂加入到其中后,就和其中的钙离子等物质发生反应,在曝气条件下,会破坏其中的酸碱平衡,使得最后有机物量增加。
关键词:明胶废水;聚丙烯酸;活性污泥;残留量 Abstract Gelatin wastewater was the general name of wastewater which was from each process of gelatin production. After pipe-end mixed, gelatin production wastewater had characteristics of high alkali, high calcium, high chlorine and high COD. In this wastewater, pH>11, Ca2+>2g/L, Cl->5000mg/L, and COD was 1000~3000mg/L. With the complex quality and large discharge, it was difficult to treat. In the paper, based on the water quality, to join different quantity scale inhibitor poly(acrylic acid), study on the effect of the indicators, at the same time, respectively, and the indicators of the scale inhibitor in the pure water added to the scale and high calcium wastewater compared to determine the final impact factors. The final :the retention rate to achieve the best value on water quality of the calcium ion, the amount of poly(acrylic acid)5ml/L(0.01059mg/L);in a variety of water quality will increase the amount of the final effluent organic of the calcium ion, the amount of poly(acrylic acid)5ml/L(0.01059mg/L);in a variety of water quality will increase the amount of final effluent organic; to join the resistance fouling agent, the pH of various water quality decreased with increasing amount of its range slightly; for the turbidity of the water in the aeration case, its value is much large than the non-aeration, but also in poly(acrylic acid) 5ml/L(0.01059mg/L)reaches a maximum value ; In the scale inhibitor added to the last, and one of the calcium ions in matter reaction, in aera
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- 浏览次数:0
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