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WRIT 161

Taiming Cao


Dr. Schiavi

1. The connotations of “lark” and his “squirrel” are someone is carefree, innocent as well as puny, and “lark” and “squirrel” usually are pets. That tells us that Helmer looks on his wife as a little kid and a small favorite toy, and he wants to occupy her. When Nora just comes back home, Helmer says: “Is that my squirrel rummaging around” (889). He also “goes over and playfully takes her by ear, and lessons her “are you scatterbrains off again” (889)? That is like a conversation between a father and a daughter. In his eyes, Nora is a never grew up child who is always naughty and innocent. He also thinks Nora is carefree, because she has no worries and sorrows, and the only thing she needs to pay attention is play and make him happy. He tells Nora: “I couldn’t wish you anything but just what you are, my sweet little lark” (891). Nora is like a cute toy for him. He thinks she does not have any responsibility or pressure for the home or living, and what she needs to do is only accompanying him and making some fun for him. In another example, he also wants to occupy her, because he “even jealous if [She] even mentioned any of

[her] old friends back home” (911). He wants to occupy her completely like a pet or a favorite toy.

2. The “miracle”, Nora is expecting, is Helmer will reject Krogstad’s “terms”,

and sacrifices himself to take “the blame” and the responsibility to protect her (939). I think the miracle is not likely to happen, because Helmer is very selfish and hypocritical. Nora always believes Helmer loves her very much, and expects Helmer will protect her and sacrifice himself for her if the real “crisis break[s] over [her] (939). But the miracle will not happen, because Helmer is a very selfish and hypocritical man. He thinks his reputation more important than his wife. At the beginning, when Helmer explains why he wants to dismiss Krogstad, he tells Nora the reason is Krogstad’s “moral breakdown” (908). That seems like Helmer is a very justicial and virtuous man. But later he tells Nora another reason is Krogstad always calls his “first name” in office and that makes him “unbearable” (914). That shows Helmer is only impartial on the face, but he actually has some “petty considerations” (914). And I also think he might fear Krogstad will work better than him and replace him, because Krogstad is “quiet efficient on the job” (914). In another example, when he knows that Nora forged signature, he gots very angry and he begins to hate Nora. Also, he thinks Nora destroys everything he own. He says: “Now you’ve wrecked all my happiness—reined my whole future” (936). He is thinking about his own future instead of theirs. He also says some dirty words to Nora, “a featherbrained woman” (934). Later on Helmer knows they are both saved, and he changes his tone and forgets everything very quickly. He tells Nora “I’ve got wide wings to shelter you with” (935). What a sick, selfish and hypocritical man he is. Also, at the end of the play, Helmer

explains to Nora “[t]here’s no one who gives up honor for love” (939). That shows his reputation is more important than his wife. That also shows in that time love is really cheaper than honor, and a wife in a family is at a very low position. It is not a surprise when the real crisis comes, he will abandon her wife immediately.

3. Nora means her husband lacks of understanding and communications with her, and he does not know how hard she is for the family and their love. She thinks she has “never understood” him, because she just knows how hypocritical and ruthless he is (976). Before Nora leaves their home, she tells Helmer they have “never exchanged a serious word on any serious thing” (936). That shows they almost did not exchange any idea on serious things, so Helmer does not have a good understanding about his wife. Helmer just “arranged everything to [his] own taste, and so [Nora] got the same taste as [him]—or [she] pretended to” (937). That shows Helmer looks on his wife as his doll, so he does not care the thought of his doll, and just wants his wife to fellow his thought. He also does not know how hard she is for the family and their love. Nora is a brave woman who is under huge risks to “save [her] husband’s life” (896). She even repays the loan by “[her] own budget” (897), and she also wants to sacrifice her life for her husband’s reputation. But her husband does not thank her at all, and he even hates her almost destroying his life (936). As a result, Nora thinks he does not understand her. She also does not understand her husband. She always immerses in her imagination which Hermle loves her very much and

he can protect her anytime. But it is not, Helmer just takes care of her as a little kid or a funny toy. Once “this crisis brake[s] over her” (938), he will give her as soon as possible (934). Her husband just a hypocritical and ruthless man. Nora finally realizes “You never loved me. You’ve thought it fun to be in love with me, that’s all” (936).

4. It is not right that Nora leaves Helmer and their children, but it is right for the society. For Nora it is not right, because she escapes her duty. She does not understand the society and does not have enough ability to live in the society alone. Nora is still naive, because she gives up her duty. As Helmer says, she escapes “[her] duties to [her] husband and children” (938). If she does not love her husband, she at least should take care of her children. That shows Nota is also selfish, because her children are innocent. On the other hand, she also does not prepare well before walks in the real society. Mrs. Linde says to Nora: “Well, my heavens—a little needlework and such—Nora, you’re just a child” (895). That shows Nora does not have enough skills to earn money in the society. And she also does not have enough experience about the society. As Helmer says she does not “know anything of the world” she lives in (938). She will be very easy to get danger or corrupt in the society. However, it is also a right thing for women in the society at that time. Her leaving represents women begin to think about their situation by themselves. Women who are like Nora begin to think about the world, the society, the religion, the family and themselves (936-940), but not just fellow. So it is a great progress for

women in that time.

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