MOLEWA (庐山世界建筑博览园)国际设计竞赛由华严集团主办、国际建筑师联盟UIA协办,旨在探索中小城市的创新发展模式,本次竞赛中的获奖方案将于明年在瑞昌市落地。
由José Mu?oz Villers an和Carlos Marín主持、墨西哥工作室 TEAM730 Taller de Estudios Y Análisis Metropolitanos共同参与的设计方案在商业/文化项目竞赛中斩获银奖。获奖方案为7号地块:商业街区设计,是涵盖整个地块的多功能步行街综合开发项目。
The international MOLEWA (Mount Lu Estate of World Architecture) competition, organized by the Chinese real estate group Huan Yan with the support of the UIA, sought proposals for urban development plans for small and medium cities in China and several of the winning projects will be carried out in the city of Ruichang next year.
Mexican office TEAM730 Taller de Estudios Y Análisis Metropolitanos, led by José Mu?oz Villers and Carlos Marín, was awarded the silver medal in the competition’s Commercial/Cultural category, Plot 7: Shopping Street, for their design of a multi-functional pedestrian street along the entire complex.
庐山世界建筑博览园多功能街区设计关键词:iarch专筑,专筑视频,专筑讲坛,专筑 标签:建筑, 商业建筑, 商业街区设计, 中国, 瑞昌, TEAM730 Taller de Estudios Y Análisis Metropolitanos