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傻瓜学AutoCAD.2011.For Dummies.英文版.rar


著名的“傻瓜”(For Dummies®)系列之AutoCAD.2011英文版,高清优质PDF格式,内容分为6 Parts,共26 chapters,500+ pages,覆盖了由入门零基础到高手大神的各项必备知识、技能和秘诀。以下为Autodesk公司AutoCAD产品经理Heidi Hewett为该所写的前言。 If you are completely new to AutoCAD or just feeling a little rusty, this book will help start the wheels turning and keep you rolling in the right direction. Tidbits of historical insight and explanations help you understand not only “how” to perform a task, but “why.” David’s friendly and humorous writing style makes the book easy (and even entertaining) to read. The topics are well organized, enabling you to read it cover to cover or use it as a handy reference tool. It includes a comprehensive Table of Contents and Index to help you quickly locate key topics. Icons scattered throughout the book further aid in your quest for knowledge by identifying important or useful information such as warnings or new functionality. David’s experience as a technical writer and AutoCAD user and educator is unmistakable in AutoCAD 2011 For Dummies. He doesn’t just describe AutoCAD tools — he describes the processes in which you can use them most-efficiently. David does a fantastic job of integrating powerful AutoCAD functionality such as named page setups, annotation scaling, and parametric constraints into the standard workflow for “beginning” AutoCAD users. Even veteran AutoCAD users can learn from AutoCAD 2011 For Dummies with a willingness to explore newer methods they may have previously overlooked. David, thanks for providing a valuable resource to help AutoCAD users maximize their software investment with minimal brain drain. While AutoCAD 2011 For Dummies isn’t really “For Dummies,” it is a welcome relief to the typical software technology books.
  傻瓜学AutoCAD.2011.For Dummies.英文版 下载地址


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