摘 要:随着社会和经济的发展,城市化已成为人类社会发展的一个必然趋势,但由此引发的一系列环境问题如:空气污染、水质恶化、地下水位下降、噪音污染、光化学污染、酸雨现象、城市热岛效应等也随之显现出来。我国近年环境状况公报提出,全国500多座大中城市大气质量符合世界卫生组织标准的不到1% 。如何利用园林植物的生态效应为城市可持续发展服务是每一个城市规划工作者共同面临的问题。文章分析了生态园林建设与城市可持续发展的关系,发展现状与前景,并对其未来可能的发展方向与思路提出了见解。
Abstract: With the social and economic development, urbanization has become an inevitable trend of development of human society, but it triggered a series of environmental problems such as: air pollution, water quality degradation, falling water tables, noise pollution, photochemical pollution, acid rainThe phenomenon of urban heat island effect also will be apparent. China in recent years State of the Environment, the more than 500 large and medium-sized urban air quality in line with World Health Organization standard of less than 1%. How to use the ecological effect of landscape plants for sustainable urban development is a common problem facing planning workers in each city. This paper analyzes the relationship of the ecological garden construction and sustainable urban development, the development situation and prospects, and its possible future development direction of insights and ideas.
Keywords: ecological garden; urbanization; sustainable development
中图分类号:S891+.5文献标识码:A 文章编号:
引 言:生态平衡失调已经成为城市可持续发展的主要限制因子。探寻一条城市可持续发展的生态绿色道路已越来越受到人们的关注,并成为国内外学术界研究的一个热点。作为城市生态主体的— 园林更是从此突破了“美”的范畴,进入了生态园林的新阶段。为此,本文指出以下粗浅见识,旨在对生态园林建设与城市可持续发展的思路、现状和前景进行一些有益的探讨。
1 生态园林概述