Abstract: water resources and hydropower engineering construction due to its special properties, and has a lot of risk and unsafe factors. Water conservancy and hydropower construction safety accident caused great damage to the state, the public safety of life and property with great threat, so the water conservancy and hydropower projects, the construction safety problems have been extensive attention of the whole society. According to the experience, and puts forward only in water conservancy and hydropower projects, the construction of the environment comprehensive evaluation, and on the basis of the explicit control environment is not safety conditions the objectives and tasks, setting the specific measure and plan, can cause the water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction in a relatively safe environment.
Keywords: water conservancy and hydropower; Safety construction; Safety management
水利水电工程施工生产活动危险性大、不安全因素多,在全世界来说都属于事故多发行业。以我国为例,据不完全统计,从 1994年~ 1999年水利水电大中型施工企业伤亡事故统计总伤亡 3139人,其中死亡 173人、重伤 287人、轻伤 2679人;千人死亡率 0.25‰,远远高于各大中型企业千人伤亡率应控制在 0.05‰以下的国家平均目标。以上仅仅是我们获得的不完全统计数据,事故所造成的经济损失正如美国保险学者哈德所言,是一座冰山。统计到的数据仅仅是“冰山的一角”,它们浮在水面是显性的,而绝大部分事故损失则如同冰山隐藏在水面以下一样,是隐性的。哈德认为显性和隐性的比例为 1:5,应该说在当