关键词:印染废水 ;回用;一级A ;排河
Abstract: Treating the printing and dyeing wastewater of A woolen mill with the” coagulation +activated sludge +ABR+ mechanical filtration “, the effluent COD is under 50mg/L, the chromaticity is less than 10 times, it is better than the” urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard” ( GB18918-2002) the level of A standard, at the same time ,the cooling water back is used in major cooling and large color dyeing process, the back rate is more than 60%, and compared with the transformation before, the operating cost is reduced to half.
Key words: printing and dyeing wastewater; reuse; level A; Pai River
中图分类号:X505文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-2104(2012)
Abstract:The combined process of coagulating sedimentation, ABR, activated sludge and mechanical filtration is used to treat Hebei a woolen mill wastewater to achieve that the COD is below 50mg/L and color degree is low 10 times, which are better than the Standard A of “Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant” (GB18918-2002). In addition, the output water is reused for water production plants, and the level of wastewater reuse is more than 90%, the operation cost has been reduced by half after the improvement.
Key words:woolen mill wastewater,reused,Standard A, discharge into River