摘要 自强水电站地下厂房尾水隧洞开挖断面尺寸5.6m×5.3m(宽×高),岩性为P2c+d厚层灰岩、T1y3泥岩和泥灰岩。施工过程中出现5次大的塌方,其中尾主0+115.3至尾主0+130.0桩号段在开挖及一期支护完成后,在进行底板清理,准备钢筋混凝土永久衬砌的过程中出现大规模的失稳破坏,长度约15m,塌方量约2950m3,顶部塌空高度约32m。为此特制定了洞身塌方处理措施,先固结塌方体,后开挖的总体方案,并采用了灌浆固结塌方体、喷锚支护、钢拱架、回填灌浆等技术措施,成功地处理了塌方,保证了施工进度,可为以后类似工程塌方治理提供借鉴。
关键词尾水洞,塌方处理 , 回填灌浆 , 施工技术
Abstract:Self-renewal hydropower station tail water underground powerhouse tunnel excavation section size 5.6 m x 5.3 m (wide × high), lithology for P2c + d thick limestone, T1y3 mudstone limestone and clay. Have appeared during the construction of large landslides five times, of which the Lord 0 + 115.3 to end the Lord 0 + 130.0 HaoDuan pile in the excavation and supporting a period, after the completion of the floor clean up, ready to reinforced concrete lining of permanent appear in the process of the large-scale instability and failure, the length is about 15 m, about 2950 m3 of landslides, top height about 32 m collapse empty. Especially for this formulated the hole collapse and treatment, the first TaFangTi consolidation, after the overall scheme of the excavation, and used the grouting consolidation TaFangTi, spray anchor bracing, steel arch bridge, backfill grouting technology measures, successfully dealing with the landslide, guarantee the construction progress, but for similar project management after collapse for reference.
Key words of the tailrace tunnel, landslide treatment, backfill grouting, construction technology
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