关键词: 联体浮箱;过江;技术
Abstract: crossing the river, “the subject is often in hydropower construction. How equipment and materials in the shortest time to cross the river, to open a construction job to play a decisive role in the face of hydropower projects. The three gods of water, land and air is able to show by sea using boats to cross the river; land bridge across the river; by air using the ropes for lifting equipment and materials. Waterways in the three-way construction the lowest cost and shortest construction time. This paper focuses on the simple conjoined construction of the pontoon across the river process and precautions Investigative studies have been designed to guide the correct construction methods, so as to achieve the desired results
Key words: conjoined pontoon; crossing the river; technology
中图分类号: TU761 文献标识码:A文章编号:
雅砻江卡拉、杨房沟水电站交通专用公路VI 标段工程范围为雅砻江左岸山坡上,现场只有前期勘探道路。主体工程桩号K41+300~K47+960,全长