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How to enter the bar symbol in Word?
HPB235 bar symbols: the word in the input E000, and then hold down the ALT key while pressing the X button;
HrB335 bar symbols: the word in the input E001, and then hold down the ALT key while pressing the X button;
HRB400 steel symbols: the word in the input E002, and then hold down the ALT key while pressing the X button.
reinforced symbols: the word in the input E003, and then hold down the ALT key while pressing the X button.
bar symbols: the word in the input E004, and then hold down the ALT key while pressing the X button.
bar symbols: the word in the input E005, and then hold down the ALT key while pressing the X button.
bar symbols: the word in the input E006, and then hold down the ALT key while pressing the X button.
bar symbols: the word in the input E007, and then hold down the ALT key while pressing the X button.
bar symbols: the word in the input E008, and then hold down the ALT key while pressing the X button.
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- 所属分类:建筑文件
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