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收稿日期:2011-08-26。 作者简介:
(责任编辑 刘浩芳)
Extended Summary
Dynamic Economic Dispatch of Wind Integrated Power Systems Based on
Risk Reserve Constraints
ZHOU Wei1, SUN Hui1, GU Hong1, MA Qian2, CHEN Xiaodong2
(1. Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, Liaoning Province, China;
2. Liaoning Electric Power Dispatch and Communication Center, Shenyang 110006, Liaoning Province, China)
KEY WORDS: wind power generation; dynamic economic dispatch; spinning reserve; risk reserve constraint; interior point method
Large-scale wind power integration witnesses operational challenges due to the limited predictability and intermittency of wind speed. Especially the dynamic economic dispatch (DED) incorporating with wind power penetration has become complex and difficult. The conventional DED model and method are not suitable for the wind power integrated systems.
In order to deal with the uncertainties induced by generation forced outages, wind speed and load forecast errors, and quantify the effect of random variables on system risk, two risk indexes are introduced to describe the probabilities of shedding load and wasting energy respectively. And then a novel DED model of wind integrated power systems is proposed as follows:
involved in the objective function of this DED model.
The uncertainties modeled by the probabilistic constraints are converted into deterministic inequality constraints. Simultaneously, the smoothing technology is utilized to transform the optimal problem into a typical nonlinear programming problem, and then predictor- corrector interior point method is adopted to solve the DED model.
The simulation study shows that, besides the optimal allocation of conventional generators, the scheduled power outputs of wind farm, up/down spinning reserve demand in each hour can also be obtained by solving the proposed model, which is given in Tab. 1. Furthermore, analysis indicates that the solution to DED issue using the proposed model is dependent on several factors, such as the system risk threshold, the up and down spinning reserve cost coefficients, etc. For example, the total generation cost decreases when risk threshold ???increases, which can be seen in Fig. 1. This means that the reduction of system security will bring some economic benefits.