[摘要] 《关中——天水经济区规划》(以下正文均用《规划》)实施的三年,应该说是关中——天水经济区各城市发展最快的三年。作为天水,尽管迎来史上最好的发展时期,但与关中相邻城市相比,还有差距。天水要以建设区域性大城市为目标,进一步破除思想障碍,用好用活政策,紧紧抓住二十一世纪初期最黄金的发展阶段。本文从《规划》实施三年的启示中,对天水建设区域性大城市提出具有一定前瞻性的思考。
关键词:关中——天水经济区;国家战略;城市建设;区域化; 工业化;思考
The middle-tianshui economic zone planning “(the following text all use” planning “) of the implementation of the three years, it should be said that the central cities-tianshui economic zone of the fastest growing three years. As the tianshui, although have the best in the history of the development period, but and adjacent area compared to the city, and the gap. Tin shui to big cities for the construction of regional goal, further break thought obstacle, with live with policy, hold the 21 st century the most gold in the early stages of development. This article from the planning the implementation of “three years of enlightenment, tianshui construction of regional cities with certain forward-looking thinking put forward.
Keywords: middle-tianshui economic zone; National strategy; Urban construction; Regional; Industrialization; thinking
今年6月,恰逢《关中—天水经济区发展规划》颁布实施整整三周年。 三年时间,瞬息而过。早在2009年6月,国务院正式颁布实施《关中——天水经济区规划》。关中—天水经济区(以下简称关天区)包括陕西省西安、铜川、宝鸡、咸阳、渭南、杨凌、商洛(部分区县 )和甘肃省天水所辖行政区域。该《规划》的颁布实施,标志着关中—天水经济区正式上升到国家战略层面,成为国家级经济区。《规划》是党中央、国务院立足西部实际、放眼全国发展,深入推进西部大开发而采取的重大战略部署,对发挥地区优势和引领作用,推动西北地区经济振兴,具有重大现实意义和深远的历史意义。《规划》将天水列为经济区西端的次核心城市,提出到2020年,将天水建成拥有80万城市人口的大城市。规划的实施将为天水建设区域性大城市,推动经济社会全面快速发展勾画了宏伟蓝图。