Wire Rope


Wire Rope

Wire Rope FAQ’s:

What is wire rope?

What are the factors affecting the selection of wire rope?

What are options in the finished wire rope lay?

What are the differences among Bright, Galvanized and Stainless Steel? What are the different wire rope constructions?

What is wire rope?

Wire rope is a flexible steel cord that is extremely strong. Typical uses for wire rope are: hoisting, towing, and anchoring heavy loads. The core is the foundation of a wire rope. The three most commonly used core designations are: fiber core (FC), independent wire rope core (IWRC), and wire strand core (WSC).

What are the factors affecting the selection of wire rope?

1) Strength-resistance to breaking (The wire rope should be strong enough to handle the maximum potential load including safety factors)

2) Resistance to bending fatigue (Fatigue is caused by repeatedly bending rope around drums, sheaves, etc. A wire rope with strands made up of many small wires will be more resistant to fatigue, but less resistant to abrasion)

3) Resistance to vibrational fatigue (Energy is absorbed at the end fittings or at the tangent point where the rope contacts the sheave)

4) Resistance to abrasion (Abrasion occurs when a rope is dragged over the ground or other surfaces. A wire rope with strands made of fewer, larger wires will be more resistant to abrasion, but less resistant to fatigue)

5) Resistance to crushing (During use, a wire rope may encounter crushing forces or be struck against hard objects. This can cause the rope to become flattened or distorted, resulting in premature breakage. Wire rope must have sufficient lateral stability to withstand the crushing pressures it may

encounter. Regular lay ropes have greater lateral stability than Lang's lay, and six strand wire ropes have greater lateral stability than eight strand)

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